Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, Tulum, Pelenque

In Cancun I stayed with a Mexican family from couchsurfing.

Playa Del Carmen:
- Played ukulele/guitars on the beach with some random street kids
- Went snorkeling with a new German friend on coast of Cozumel.
- Spent one day at the airport looking for a flight out. No success, but I did make friends with everyone there and was offered a ride in the opposite direction.

- Found an amazing communal hostel. Worked there for two nights at the bar and got to practice my German, Swiss German, Spanish (and Hebrew and Norwegian!). The last night I was moved to another bed which had bedbugs.
- Hitchhiked to Cenotes with awesome half albino French speaking girl from Canada. Went snorkeling there.

- Took an overnight bus to Pelenque. Will be sleeping outside in a hammock.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Petra, Sound like you're having a great trip. Lori and I (and you) slept in an outside hammock in Playa once. It worked well, but even back then security was an issue. Keep your hammock close to your friend's. The more people near you, the merrier. (and safer)

    It was 80 here the other day, but not beach. :-(
